29 MINS 30 Secs – Nancy Ball

49 mins 30 secs – Len Aspell.


HSBC Annual General Meeting

The HSBC webcast has now been made available and can be viewed by clicking on the button below.

The campaign highlights can be found at minute 29:30, where you can listen to our Chair Nancy Ball ask questions on your behalf.

Also please take the time to listen to Len Aspell at 49:30, who articulates his question on behalf of Horizons


Please show your support to Len

Thanks for recognising Len Aspell’s support by joining Horizons – The association for former HSBC employees. I read that some of you never even knew of the existence our Pensioner’s Association! Now why am I not surprised 🙃 

Just £10 per annum. Please tell your former colleagues and come and join us.


Midland Clawback Campaign